IconSpine Conditions

Spinal Arthritis Treatment in Faisalabad

What is Spinal Arthritis?
Spinal arthritis, also known as osteoarthritis of the spine, is a degenerative condition that affects the joints, discs, and bones of the spine. It is characterized by the gradual breakdown of cartilage, leading to pain, stiffness, and inflammation. This condition primarily affects the lower back and neck regions, and it often worsens with age, making daily movements and activities challenging. 

Spinal arthritis is commonly caused by age-related wear and tear on the spinal joints. Contributing factors include genetics, previous spinal injuries, obesity, and repetitive stress on the spine. Conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, spinal deformities, and disc degeneration can also increase the likelihood of developing spinal arthritis.

Symptoms include persistent pain and stiffness in the back or neck, reduced range of motion, and a sensation of grinding in the affected area. Some people may experience radiating pain, numbness, or tingling in the arms or legs if the nerves are compressed. Morning stiffness and pain that improves with movement are also typical indicators.

Treatment options for spinal arthritis include pain management with medications, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications such as weight management and low-impact exercise. Steroid injections and heat or cold therapy may help reduce inflammation and discomfort. In severe cases, surgical options like spinal fusion or joint replacement may be necessary to relieve symptoms and improve mobility.
